Supporting Waldorf Education Since 1991
The foundation was created and funded through the generosity and good will of The Hon. and Mrs. L. Barron Hill. We typically receive over 25 requests annually.
Grants will generally be in amounts of $2,000 to $6,000, with occasional grants being made in the $10,000 range.
Our priority is grants in support of Waldorf teacher training to qualified and worthy individuals intending to teach in AWSNA/WECAN recognized independent/private Waldorf schools. Grants typically take the form of partial tuition payments made directly to the AWSNA member institution or program on behalf of the applicant.
Qualifying requests received by February 1 will be considered. Notification of grant awards is by early March.
Recipients are encouraged to submit, at the end of the grant period, a statement or copy of the work/project describing how the funding was used and its effect on the school(s) or on the individual recipient.
About The Michael Foundation
The board of The Michael Foundation consists of current and retired Waldorf teachers and administrators. The board meets in February and reviews, discusses, and makes decisions on grant requests.
Decisions are also based on available funds. In most cases, but not all, only partial grants are possible.
Once the board makes a grant to an individual it is with the intention to continue support, if needed, throughout their courses of training. Applicants must reapply each year to receive continued funding.
The Michael Foundation does not:
Fund tuitions for children to Waldorf Schools
Fund living expenses for teachers at training centers
Fund training at non-AWSNA/WECAN accredited institutes
The mission of The Michael Foundation is to foster, to promote, and to support
the advancement of quality Waldorf Education in North America.
(Canada, Mexico, USA)
Waldorf education's overarching goal is to provide young people the basis with which to
develop into free, moral, and integrated individuals and to aid them
in the unfolding of their unique destiny.
The Michael Foundation supports AWSNA approved training centers,
programs, and individuals working toward this goal.